I am really fond of winter. Honestly. Its radiant whiteness, its tired calmness, its frozen mood is entrancing. The snow falls in huge flakes, you can see your breath thanks to minus degrees, ice tables float on the surface of the Danube, you sup hot cocoa in a warm confectionary.
It is a perfect time for inspiration, a time for new creative ideas… Like to launch the new wall painting session with a competition, which the first prize of, should follow the unique watercolour line. These were the first moments of the silhouette of the Buddha Mandala idea that should create more homely from home. It will be surrounded by flowers, leaves, forest and the wisdom of the Nature.
Like in case of orders, this event also yielded in more sketches. After choosing the most suitable concept, a digital artwork was born when rolling into the front of the computer. There are a lot of benefits of this manner of creation: the work can be handled in several layers, you can duplicate, modify or erase any parts of the drawing and last, but not least, the basic layout is also highly modifiable. When finished, hope burns inside of me, that the overall picture is harmonic not only for me. An idea crosses my mind at this very moment: what about pulling it out from the pouch as a bonus and create a prize game around it?
ForestillDesign: Would you like to win the theme of the Winter Inspiration? A harmonic, joyful, homey wall painting with its whole unique style? In case the answer is positive, do not hesitate, read more about the prize game in our article titled Win a Wall Painting! and be the owner of the first prize!
We wish you good luck and looking forward to our applicants!
- Heni -