Have you ever thought about the logo of your company? Can you explain what your company logo stands for? Does it have a message? And if so, is it clear to understand?
These are some basic questions you should ask yourself when you focus on your company in the big picture. Because let´s be blunt, being really good at what you do and providing excellent service to your clients is nowadays not enough. You should also keep your 'look' polished. After all, a sloppy logo or a web page without any purpose doesn´t imply you are a professional. It´s a pity when you send the world a message that doesn´t correspond with your qualities.
A successful logo speaks for itself. And it´s on you what do you want to say with your logo. You can say 'I have a company and I don´t really care if my logo´s colours match each other'. Or you can say 'Look, even my logo is neat! Just imagine how neat my working process is! You should really try my company and my services'.
On the other hand you can have a logo that communicates all your desires and dreams of your company but simply doesn´t look tasteful or 'in' anymore. It´s a competitive world we live in and the trickiest part of running any company is to gain customers and built trust. And having a successful logo is definitely a way to achieve it.
Further on we´ll tackle some topics about different kinds of logos. Keep on reading to find out what kind of logo suits your company best.
- Bianka -