A Hungarian hiking association, called shortly BTHE (www.bthe.hu), asked us to implement graphic design for one of their monumental hiking event. Boots towards the Danube – when the title was born in the mind of the head organizer, John, some details for the event also assembled.

It is not easy to complete a long hike that is really close to ones borders. 75 km was the longest distance, but the hiker could choose from 50, 30 and 20 km distances as well. In addition, strong elevation – up the hill and down the hill also did not simplify the task. Our chosen 30 km was diversified with 7 hills. The weather was not also completly with us – meteorologists forecasted the day before the event as the last summer day and they were correct. The wind was blowing with two hours of drizzle. However, we were absolutely compensated. The sight from the hills, the adventure and the pleasant tireness was a perfect aftereffect. And last, but not least, it was an outstanding feeling to see our design everywhere during the whole event.

A monumental autumnt hike like this requires serious organizing from our branding-graphical-design sight, too (not to mention even the assembling the path, the organizing team and the fresh points!).

The meaningful title Boots towards the Danube brought great ideas – we aimed to implement a boots graphic design that had to be composed into all details: stickers and stamps that purposed verification that the hiker visited all the compulsory points on the path. These were stuck into their roadbooks (designed two times – for 75-50 km and 30-20 separately). For the four distances there were made up four specific colours. The motif of boots accompanied the whole hike. Fonts were also chosen for the feeling of the hike. Colours adjusted autumn cavalcade (it was not easy at the beginning of the summer). In turn at the end of the hike badges and certificates advertised the fulfillment of the chosen path as well as the unity of the design. Two hundred (crazy and not crazy) hikers were agitated by this Saturday event whose opinion was highly positive.

Thank you, BTHE for the possibility, we loved the project and the event and we are keen to undertake projects like this everytime, everywhere!

Do not hesitate to contact us: Contact.


- Heni -